Saturday, November 14, 2009

Method 12

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?And last but not least…
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?

I am hardpressed to name any one favorite exercise. I enjoyed them all. I feel much more educated as to what many of these terms mean and also how to go about using them. At least now, I know what most of our younger users are talking about!

I enjoyed the program's format although I felt rushed to get everything completed before the end date. I would like to see this put somewhere where I can go to review the sections I will probably forget when I try to do it myself.

I look forward to see what the next discovery progream is and would certainly participate if at all possible.

Thank you for my new knowledge!

method 11

Did you find anything useful and/or do you think your library might have a potential reason to begin creating podcasts?

I enjoyed this project. I have never searched for any podcasts although I've watched some others have sent. This method has taught me what they are and how they can be used. I searched for one on movie reviews and am now listening to it as I am typing. This could be an interesting site to let patrons know what some of our DVDs are about--a question we are often asked.

I can see where we might begin podcasting some of our programs or methods on how to do various projects. Putting one on our website to introduce what we do and what we provide would be helpful. With a little thought, there are several areas they could be useful in a library.

Method 10

What did you find interesting? What types of applications within libraries might work well with a wiki?

I was not at all familiar with wikis so it was all interesting to me. I enjoyed looking at the library sites and how they used wikis. My mind began racing to think of how it could be done in our small library. We could use the Readers' Advisory wiki, subject headings, and community resources to begin with. It seems the opportunities are unlimited in a library setting. I especially enjoyed seeing the examples of other library's usage.

Method 9

How did it go? Did you find it easy or difficult? Also, what do you think about chat/IM and libraries? Is your library currently offering chat/IM and if not, do you think it might in the future?

I found using chat to be easy. I have used it before especially on sites where I shop online and have a question. It's useful to get the answer right now instead of having to use a phone to try to reach someone.

We do allow our patrons to use chat and IM on our computers. Our outlook is to allow everything as long as it is ethical, legal and no harm is done to equipment or software. We will consider getting a site setup for staff once we have more time (sigh) to do so.